
We would lie if we said that it would be all roses. It might be hard to truly integrate into local friend groups and if you are an introvert you might need an extra effort to find your click among exchange students, but, believe us, it will not last long! The last ESNsurvey shows that the least commonly experienced effect of the problems experienced during mobility was feelings of isolation and social exclusion. If you want to engage with people from different cultural backgrounds and learning environments, know another culture, learn and/or improve a foreign language, and test yourself to become more independent or resilient, well, you cannot miss this train!  

Small steps you can take
  • Learning a new language might help you to break the ice with locals (it is usually very appreciated!) and gives you the feeling of being less of a stranger. The host university might reach out to you if you want to attend an ice-breaking course before your Erasmus exchange. Take this chance! You will start making friends and feel more integrated! If you do not have this possibility, check if your institution offers language courses for students preparing for their exchange!
  • Not all the countries/regions/cities have an extensive and developed network of dorms but if you have the chance to get a spot, consider accepting it! It will be a way to hang out with locals directly from your room!
  • Ask your host institution if they have a Mentoring program (e.g. Buddy System) or an app for new arrivals. If they do not, contact the local ESN association and ask what services they offer.
  • Do not forget that universities organise introduction days, a great way to connect and gain information on your study and study destination. 
  • Join UniBuddy or Goin’ - These platform apps are used by Higher Education Institutions to create a peer-to-peer community, often already before you arrive in your new country. Sign up to these official communities provided by your school or university, to chat with your peers and learn more about student life!
  • Obtain cultural information about the country you will visit. The knowledge will help you decode some traits and help you to integrate better.
Intercultural learning
Self awareness and efficacy
Take the initiative

Learn more about the competences by visiting the Competence inventory.