The Erasmus Careers project aims to enhance employability by identifying and recognizing the skills students gain during study abroad. It validates the positive impact of mobility on employability through comprehensive research and the creation of a Competence Inventory, which categorizes the competencies in different clusters.

Taking as a reference the Level5 taxonomy, it is a framework developed to assess, document, and plan competence development in context-dependent environments such as learning in mobility or on the job. The project helps students, employers, and educational institutions understand and integrate these competencies into education policies.

intro and link to competences questionnaire

Intercultural communication

Intercultural learning

I actively seek to understand cultural differences and adjust my communication style to effectively engage with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, ensuring respectful and clear interactions.


Ability to identify, understand, express, create and interpret concepts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written forms, using visual, sound/audio and digital materials across disciplines and contexts.


Ability to use different languages appropriately and effectively for communication.

Cultural awareness and expression

Ability to understand and respect how ideas and meaning are creatively expressed and communicated in different cultures and through a range of arts and other cultural forms.

Social intelligence


The ability to act as a responsible citizen and to participate fully in civic and social life, based on understanding of social, economic, legal and political concepts and structures, as well as global developments and sustainability.

Ethical and sustainable thinking

Assess the consequences of ideas that bring value and the effect of entrepreneurial action on the target community, the market, society and the environment. Reflect on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are, and the course of action chosen. Act responsibly.

Self awareness and efficacy

Reflect on your needs, aspirations and wants in the short, medium and long term Identify and assess your individual and group strengths and weaknesses. Believe in your ability to influence the course of events, despite uncertainty, setbacks and temporary failures.

Critical thinking

Assessment of information and arguments to support reasoned conclusions and develop innovative solutions.

Analytical thinking

Using logic and reasoning to develop alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Intrapersonal intelligence


Ability to manage transitions and uncertainty, and to face challenges


The pursuit of life satisfaction, care of physical, mental and social health; and adoption of a sustainable lifestyle.

Take the initiative

Initiate processes that create value. Take up challenges. Act and work independently to achieve goals, stick to intentions and carry out planned tasks.

Financial and economic literacy

Estimate the cost of turning an idea into a value-creating activity. Plan, put in place and evaluate financial decisions over time. Manage financing to make sure my value-creating activity can last over the long term.


Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges. Explore and experiment with innovative approaches. Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects.

Cope with pressure

Handle challenges, disruption, and change and recover from setbacks and adversity.

Working in a professional environment

Working with others

Work together and cooperate with others to develop ideas and turn them into action. Network. Solve conflicts and face up to competition positively when necessary.

Planning and management

Set long-, medium- and short-term goals. Define priorities and action plans. Adapt to unforeseen changes.

Problem solving

Develop and implement solutions to practical, operational or conceptual problems which arise in the execution of work in a wide range of contexts. 


Exchange ideas while analysing issues and interests at stake, enabling opposing sides to resolve disputes and reach an agreement, or making decisions to resolve disputes.